- apply for a loan

by Money for Finance



Money for Finance app is the application that allows you to manage your financial needs.Request up to 800 Jordanian dinars (JOD) and return your loan within a minimum and maximum period of 120 days to 365 days.The advantages of our app for our clients:• Easily manage your loan information • Configure and access your user profile• Maximum Annual Equivalent Rate (APR): 61.80%• Maximum Annual Percentage Rate (APR) 61.80%• Exclusive loyalty discounts and newsRepresentative example:• Amount requested: 500 Jordanian dinars (JOD)• Repayment period: 12 months• Interest included (service fee): 304 Jordanian dinars (JOD)• Refund period: 120 days • Total cost of the loan: 804 Jordanian dinars (JOD)• Annual Percentage Rate (APR): 60.80%If you have any questions, contact us by phone 064006400 or go to is trusted by more than 100,000 customers across Jordan.You can visit our privacy policy here: contacts: administrator is Money for Finance LLC (58384)