Money for Finance app is the application that allows you to manage your financial needs.Request up to 800 Jordanian dinars (JOD) and return your loan within a minimum and maximum period of 120 days to 365 days.The advantages of our app for our clients:• Easily manage your loan information • Configure and access your user profile• Maximum Annual Equivalent Rate (APR): 61.80%• Maximum Annual Percentage Rate (APR) 61.80%• Exclusive loyalty discounts and newsRepresentative example:• Amount requested: 500 Jordanian dinars (JOD)• Repayment period: 12 months• Interest included (service fee): 304 Jordanian dinars (JOD)• Refund period: 120 days • Total cost of the loan: 804 Jordanian dinars (JOD)• Annual Percentage Rate (APR): 60.80%If you have any questions, contact us by phone 064006400 or go to is trusted by more than 100,000 customers across Jordan.You can visit our privacy policy here: contacts: administrator is Money for Finance LLC (58384)